Example Base Line Application Charges:
  • Utility Patents: $10,400: EXAMPLE ONLY
    • 40 page application
    • 5 sheets of drawings
    • small entity filing fee
    • no assignment
    • no information disclosure stmnt.
    • no petitions
    • Your needs will vary
    • Non-Docx Surcharge to better assure fidelity

  • Design Patents: $2200
    • 3 sheets of drawings
    • small entity filing fee
    • no information disclosure stmnt.
Selection of Mark:
  • Call me to discuss your mark!  The mark should be (1) NOT descriptive or suggestive of any goods & services; (2) NOT descriptive or suggestive of any "quality interences" in any associated with any goods & services; (3) NOT a geographical entity; (4) NOT a governmental name or symbol; (5) NOT a sound alike, look alike of an other mark; (6) PREFERABLY  the mark is not found in any dictionary of any language; (7) An applicant is likely personally liable for an array of liabilities, and thus it may be preferable to start a business entity before applying for the mark as the business entity owner; (8) PREFERABLE to avoid human or animal names including first names and especially last names; (9) Trademarks have tax consequences: money defending a weak trademark may require capitalization (& thus non-deductible) of expenditures to fight for your trademark.   Trademarks are ABOUT TURNING YEARS OF HARD WORK & QUALITY INTO CAPITAL GAINS!!!
  • Objective: (a) exclusive identifier of SOURCE of goods (this means YOUR ENTITY rather than your competitors), (b) trademark should be selected to become maximum capacity vessel for collection of good will if selected properly; and (c) a capital gains generator on sale of business, especially for attracting purchase value far in excess of basis.
  • Full Trademark Search: $2000 ( to avoid a future charge of negligent adoption)  and this price is higher based upon the required turnaround in excess of 4 days.

    Typical Base Line Application Charges:

  • Non-ITU (regular): $1200
  • ITU (Intent to Use): $1200
    • Excludes Conversion/Statement of Use & Extensions
    • no petitions
    • Excludes atty fees for  statement of use & extension
    • Includes more complex specific list of goods within class

 Base Line Application Charges:
  • Copyright: $500
  • Every Patent Process Starts with a Trade Secret.  Tax treatment of Trade Secrets mirrors that of patents
  • State and Federal Law applies to trade secrets
Agreed Project or Hourly Rate for :
  • Tax Audit Representation
  • Preparing an Offer in Compromise
  • Bankruptcy Discharge Analysis
  • Bankruptcy Tax Litigation Analysis
  • Tax Analysis
  • Tax Court Representation
  • Tax Protest Preparation
  • Innocent Spouse Analysis
  • 11 U.S.C. §505 actions


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